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Qualcomm Together With Leading Automotive Companies Across The Basis Effort The Commercialization Of C-V2x

- Leading Automakers Support for C-V2X Continues; Tier-1 Suppliers together with Other Ecosystem Participants Seek to Utilize Qualcomm 9150 C-V2X Chipset Solutions for Next Generation Vehicles together with Roadside Infrastructure -

Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM) today announced that its subsidiary, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., is working with an ecosystem of leading carmakers together with automotive suppliers to accelerate the commercial introduction of Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) technology scientific discipline using the Qualcomm® 9150 C-V2X chipset solution. C-V2X is a global solution for V2X communications designed to back upward improved automotive safety, automated driving, together with traffic efficiency. Tier-1 suppliers, cellular module manufacturers, software solution providers together with scheme integrators get got expressed their back upward for the deployment of C-V2X techonology inwards upcoming production vehicles together with roadside units (RSU) starting inwards 2019. Qualcomm Technologies is currently conducting C-V2X plain validations working with machine manufacturers together with automotive ecosystem participants inwards Germany, France, Korea, China, Nippon together with the U.S.

“The continued advancement of cellular technologies into 5G is a necessary business office of connected, cooperative together with autonomous vehicles that volition locomote able to back upward BMW Group's vision of the machine of the future,” said Maik Böres Head of Future Mobilty Team. “As our cities together with lives proceed to acquire to a greater extent than connected, C-V2X is a natural solution to both deliver straight together with network-based communications to fulfill a growing gear upward of security together with informational purpose cases respectively, together with Qualcomm Technologies' annunciation reflects the automotive industry's acceleration to commercialize C-V2X technology scientific discipline with meaningful progress toward vehicle integration starting inwards 2019.”

Automotive ecosystem participants interested inwards delivering side past times side generation products incorporating C-V2X technology scientific discipline using Qualcomm Technologies’ solutions include Tier-1 suppliers LG Electronics, Continental, Ficosa-Panasonic, Lear together with Valeo, equally good equally cellular module manufacturers Gemalto, LG Innotek, Quectel, Sierra Wireless, Telit, WNC together with ZTE. Qualcomm Technologies is besides working with V2X software stack together with application providers Cohda Wireless, Commsignia together with Savari, along with scheme integrators Sasken together with Thundersoft, to expedite C-V2X commercialization past times helping the automotive ecosystem to accept wages of the industry’s decade-long investment inwards ITS software together with standardized protocols such equally ETSI-ITS, IEEE WAVE together with SAE.

C-V2X is designed to locomote globally compatible with 5G together with complement other Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) sensors, such equally cameras, radar together with LIDAR. C-V2X straight communication means is designed to offering vehicles depression latency communications for Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Roadside Infrastructure (V2I) together with Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) without the involvement of a cellular network, or cellular network subscription, past times operating on designated together with harmonized 5.9 GHz ITS spectrum. C-V2X continues to gain worldwide back upward inwards the automotive manufacture together with broader shipping ecosystem, with trials taking house across the globe. The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA), an manufacture arrangement which supports C-V2X, currently has over lxx members including automakers, Tier-1 suppliers, mobile operators, semiconductor companies, exam equipment vendors, telecom suppliers, traffic betoken suppliers together with route operators.

Automakers planning to integrate V2X solutions besides benfit from the cost-effectiveness of C-V2X. Analysis from technology scientific discipline consultinf firm, P3 North America, establish that a fully integrated scheme with C-V2X integrated with existing LTE-based telematics units is the virtually cost-effective solution alongside V2X implementations.

The 9150 C-V2X chipset solution features improved straight communication range, reliability together with latency inwards the aspect upward of congested roadways. With a potent development path inwards 3GPP to 5G New Radio (NR), Qualcomm Technologies continues to invest inwards the C-V2X roadmap to offering novel together with complementary capabilities. To encounter automakers’ production needs, the 9150 C-V2X chipset solution is planned to locomote commercially available inwards the mo one-half of 2018 with withdraw suppliers expected to launch solutions based on the 9150 C-V2X chipset solution shortly thereafter.

“With its superior surgical operation together with potent synergy with telematics, C-V2X is poised to offering important improvements inwards route security compared to previous technologies together with back upward time to come autonomous vehicles, piece complementing Qualcomm Technologies’ additional automotive offerings, including high-precision GNSS location, estimator vision, compute together with machine learning platforms, together with sensor fusion,” said Nakul Duggal, vice president of production management, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. “We are pleased to function with carmakers together with this ecosystem of leading automotive suppliers inwards accelerating the commercialization of the C-V2X straight communications using the 9150 C-V2X chipset solution into vehicles equally shortly equally side past times side year.”

Qualcomm Technologies is scheduled to demonstrate C-V2X technology scientific discipline during Mobile World Congress, Barcelona Feb 26 - March 1, Hall 3, Stand 3E10.

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