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Video: Unique Dorsum Representative Fabric Makes Bluboo Border Live Tearing Attempt

A few days earlier, nosotros had the chance to bring a start glance at the curvy display of the upcoming Bluboo Edge device. Maybe today nosotros tin instruct about interesting infos virtually the phone, because Bluboo bring but released 2 to a greater extent than videos, trying to examination the endurance of the dorsum illustration together with compare the dorsum embrace of Bluboo Edge amongst Samsung S7 Edge.

In the start video, the dorsum embrace of the Edge model goes through twist examination together with burn downwards test, but it remains intact fifty-fifty though the dorsum illustration is made of plastic, showing extermely high endurance together with flexibility. It’s said that Bluboo carefully chooses particular plastic textile to guarantee fantabulous endurance. Check out the examination video together with witness the miracle!

While inwards the other video, the dorsum embrace of Bluboo Edge gets compared amongst the Samsung S7 Edge. The curved dorsum covers of the 2 handsets are both shiny inwards the sunlight, showing same unique lumia moving ridge lawsuit that is equally brilliant, mysterious equally aurora. Nobody tin deny that both of them await pretty good. But apparently, the Bluboo Edge model looks to a greater extent than glorious together with dazzling. The Bluboo Edge’s dorsum embrace uses IML electroplating technology, which should live the argue for the brightness.

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