Download Flash File Firmware Android

Download Latest Android Kitkat 4.4.4 Stock Firmware For Jxd S7800 Game Pad

Download latest Android KitKat 4.4.4 stock firmware for JXD S7800 game pad from here or from here (16 GB model). Download anothe JXD firmware from here.

Firmware details
Archive: S7800B 4.4.4 fw
Model: JXD S7800 game pad
Image: Firmware 机器固件程序 / update.img
Image file size: 303 MB
Platform: Rockchip RK3188
Boot version: 2.10
FW version: 4.4.02
Build number:  S7800-01-V4.4-20141211.182927 
Inside archive: Rock USB Driver, S7800B_firmware_update tools 刷机工具, Firmware 4.4.4 & JXD S7800B Upgrade Method USB.doc

1)Android organisation version Android 4.4.4, organisation retentiveness usage less almost 500MB, tin stimulate got upwards to 1.5GB of available RAM retentiveness on to run applications as well as games.
2) Adjust the division capacity allocation: internal storage from 1GB to 3GB , accommodate the internal SD retentiveness (8GB machine turned from 5.3GB 3.3GB, 16GB from 12GB machine becomes 10.1GB).The default computer program is installed 3GB internal storage space, right away the largest installation packet tin last installed. You tin manually deed to the internal SD card or an external SD card (SD mightiness to mountain an external transfer), 
3)Modify estimator connector to MTP mode, connect your estimator straight opened upwards the disk, no require to manually connect USB disk.
4)TF card mountain optimization tools: increased upper correct corner mountain SD quick entrance, increasing each measuring tips. Just reboot later the performance to arrive at greatly enhanced usability mount. Games as well as information packet stored torso or external majority storage TF card, maximum 64GB TF card tin last mounted. Another large game are tardily to get
5)Key mapping: the organisation volition non last the psyche interface as well as ready the pump exhaled fundamental mapping interface, users mistakenly avoid novel configuration interface exhaled later a loss.
6)The hide refresh rate: Ensure 60HZ, operate out on the game display speed.
7)HDMI output increment inwards 1920 * 1080 60HZ mode
8)the shutdown menu: Added "reset" menu, delete the"airplan Mode" menu
9)optimize back upwards for chicks simulator, perfect chick V1.3.2 version supports native fundamental back upwards as well as configuration optimization. The latest version of the happychick suport psp cloud configuration, download the corresponding model S7800 models tin last configured to run smoothly, for illustration PSP God of War: Ghost of Sparta.  

Caution: Please produce non update firmware unless y'all know what y'all are doing, y'all actually desire it or it is absolutely necessary. Firmware updates may occasionally stimulate got bad results, similar bricking your device, temporarily or permanently. The firmware update procedure is done alone at your ain risk. Before attempting to update the firmware, dorsum upwards your data. 

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